Canna Hydro Vega & Flores

From £13.95
Canna Hydro Vega is a 2-part mineral-based nutrient specially formulated for plants growing using run to waste hydroponics systems. Canna Hydro Vega contains all the basic high-quality macro / micro nutrients needed by plants for healthy strong growth and vigorous root development. Hydro Vega is to be used throughout the vegetative growth of the plants cycle until signs of bud/ fruit production. Canna Hydro Vega is to be used in equal amounts, adding part A to the nutrient reservoir first mixing well then adding an equal amount of part B. After adding all nutrients / boosters to the reservoir it will be necessary to check E.C and pH levels and adjust accordingly.

·       Excellent for plants grown in run to waste systems
·       Fresh supply of nutrients each feed
·       Rich in directly absorbable nitrogen compounds, high quality EDDHA iron chelate and trace elements.

Recommended dosage 2-4ml/ litre

Recommended usage: Vegetative cycle

Recommended pH range: 5.5- 6.2

Canna Hydro Vega NPK: 6-2-8


Canna Hydro Flores is a 2-part mineral-based nutrient specially formulated for plants growing using run to waste hydroponics systems. Canna Hydro Flores contains all the basic high-quality macro / micro nutrients needed by plants for healthy strong growth and lush flower/ fruit production. Hydro Flores is to be used throughout the flowering growth of the plants cycle until flushing. Canna Hydro Flores is to be used in equal amounts, adding part A to the nutrient reservoir first mixing well then adding an equal amount of part B. After adding all nutrients / boosters to the reservoir it will be necessary to check E.C and pH levels and adjust accordingly.

·       Excellent for plants grown in run to waste systems
·       Fresh supply of nutrients each feed
·       Specially formulated for hard or soft water areas

Recommended dosage: 2-4ml/litre

Recommended usage: Flowering cycle

Recommended pH range: 5.5- 6.2

Canna hydro Flores NPK: 5-3-10

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250 Water Road
020 3488 0419
07507 883 374